Sunday, July 22, 2012

First Ever Video Compilation of Evidence :)

Man...I've been all over the ghost-hunting stuff tonight.

I just finished a compilation video of our photo and EVP evidence from Bardstown. One could argue that I should have waited until we finished going through the DVR video files but...I'm impatient. If we find anything new on the DVR, I will add it into the video and replace this one with the updated version.

But check it out!


  1. not getting the video

  2. Do you mean that it's not playing for you, or that you don't understand what it is? It plays for us, both when we are logged in and logged out. See if this link works for you.! Is anyone else having this trouble?

    Also, were you trying to view it from a phone? Sometimes from iPhones or other smart phones you can't view our videos...not sure why that is, it might have to do with the browser.

    - Lisa
